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January 27, 2010


Kimberly Cheryl

Guy -
Thank you so very much for the nice comment. Education is key. 95% of CSA victims KNOW their abuser which makes it so much more difficult to "tell" and it is very hard to prosecute these "he said/ she said" cases, even when their are witnesses and evidence. People just don't want to "believe".
What a wonderful parent you are! Keep an open mind and listen to those kids - they don't lie!
Best - Kim


I stumbled on to your website through LinkedIn and wanted to say thanks for taking the lead in promoting this cause. I am a daddy of 5 girls and 1 boy and need to be constantly reminded to be on guard and watching those who care for my children, even in church. I don't ever want to be cynical towards people, but I understand that being naive is unacceptable too! Awareness and always knowing who is with your children when you are not is critical.

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