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September 03, 2009


Kimberly Cheryl

thank you all for your opinions. after speaking with principals at my children's schools I found that this will not be shown until after it is reviewed and then if felt appropriate, pertinent points will be shared during social studies courses. I agree with this tactic. I have read where some school districts are taping it and putting it on the parent portal so families can watch it at home and discuss/ share their personal views, beliefs and individual family values as they watch. Good tactic. I would have liked to have seen the President do an address at night directed towards the children so it could be in a family setting. I do see the limitations on some he is trying to target but everything we do in our school is previewed, signed for, reviewed again...ie, movies in class, books read, sex education...I don't see why this should be any different. I do believe that the President has a wonderful story to share with children on the benefits of coming from a struggling family and using education and hard work to improve your position in life. He can do much with what he has to share from his own personal upbringing but since we don't know what is to be said yet...i'd rather have it in my home where i can speak with my child as the presentation is happening - that's how we do all movies - lectures on morality, etc go with any movie (kids hate it :) but they know our values and expectations/concerns)
Thanks again for sharing!


I think it's outrageous and downright ridiculous that parents think their children will be given socialist ideas by the President!!! I have had enough of the lies, and garbage being spewed by the Republican party. I think Obama can not do anything without it becoming a controversey by the right-wing spewers of hate (Limbaugh & Beck). This makes me sad and angry -the country is listening to fear and hate. I hope people wake up soon. Obama will release the text of his speech prior to the speech.

Warren Williams

With all due respect, Rob, this President hails from the far left, which disturbs many Americans, myself included. With his version of the role of government in our lives, we should be extremely cautious in what he says in does. There's more at stake here than partisan politics. President Obama and other powerful people who share his views are in a position to implement policies and programs that should be opposed, or at the very least considered very carefully. This is a debate about ideals and principles. Don't throw people under the political bus because they care enough to take a stand.

Rob L.

I doubt seriously that a conversation with the President is going to have the little tykes singing the Internationale and talking about collectivism. The point is, anything this President does is going to put a twist in these "fine people's" underware, and they are going to scream a loud as they can, provided a News TV camera is somewhere in the vicinity.

Lately it looks like some folks are going to the political version of Baskin-Robbins. Really - last year he was an Islamo-fascist terrorist. Last month he was a communist. This month he's a Nazi. What flavor will he be next month?

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