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August 24, 2009


Kimberly Cheryl

Aug 24, 2009 02:07 PM
Steve Mertl

VANCOUVER – Two grieving mothers have very different opinions at the end of a North American-wide manhunt for the reality show actor accused of killing a former swimsuit model then hanging himself in a seedy B.C. motel. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/685585

Kimberly Cheryl

I agree - you really would think they'd do better on the background checking for everyone's safety. Unfortunately, the breaking news is it seems they found this man dead in a hotel room - suicide. All better off I'm sure but a very sad story for all involved. Amazing what money does...(FYI - it's nice to have but doesn't make us happier as these stories continue to tell)


Honestly.. I can't stand reality shows... I think they've run their course and I'm really tired of seeing them (all of them) on the TV. I know they're big money makers, but it's just gotten to a point where they do dumb things and yes, people are getting hurt...
Liability? Well, He didn't hurt Megan... he killed his ex-wife. I'm sure if he would've done something to hurt Megan, or anyone involved in the show, then they could be held liable... but at this point, I'm not exactly sure what they're liable for...
If they are continuing these sorts of shows, I would hope they do some sort of background checking... for the safety of the rest of the cast/crew/etc...

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