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August 13, 2009



great blog!

I am with him but just wish he would have soft pedaled a bit - as a public servant in his position, I guess he got in trouble for publicly mentioning brands. Plus he could have encouraged general better choices instead of using the type of scare tactics he chose. But he was right and it is sad the USA doesn't know it.

I wonder if there was much legal wrangling over this. Could be a great case with the right lawyer....Denny Crain?


This man was doing what businesses these days never do, which is look out for the best interest of the people. I wish more people would stand up to corporations and put them in their place. I also wish that more people would become informed on how much power these companies really have, and how they frequently abuse their power to protect their pocketbooks. The modern day businesses have thrown morals out of the window to become more competitive. This is where business in this country took a wrong turn. Dishonesty, price gouging, selling faulty products, selling inefficient products, or selling unhealthy products is what these companies do best.
But, most people will wander through this life in a delusional state, believing what benefits them. This world is filled with sick, lost souls! I long for the day to stand back and watch "Big Business" crumble. I hope I get to see it in my life time. Maybe then I would die with a smile on my face.

Have a good day and thanks for the interesting blog! :)

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