Having been born and raised in one of the best Baseball Cities in America - we have had a wonderful time celebrating the 2009 All-Star Game and it's many events. Maybe I'm just such a huge fan of our Cardinals because as a kid - even though I played for years and the neighbor, God Bless his Soul, was my coach who worked with me for years to improve - I just wasn't made for the game (soccer was my thing). Either way, I am a die hard through and through.
So as we celebrate the greats in Baseball this evening it got me to thinking...I could choose 9 people right now (not sport players) but any 9 people who in my life, and that of others, I see as ALL- STARS...WHO would make it in my starting line up?
First, I think I'd just have to have an entire line of pitchers - that is where I would include my family - parents (and Happy Birthday today Mom); sisters, cousins, Aunt Judy, hubby, sister and mother in law, nieces and kids. (and ALL STAR group on their own!)
It was a little harder coming up with the next 8 players for the team - there have just been so many influential people in my life this past year so here they are in no particular order:
- Ginny - a RAD trainer, musician, survivor, and incredible friend - there isn't enough room to tell you the wonders of this incredible woman and THANKS isn't enough to say to her for the influence and blessings she's bestowed on my life.
- Kim - Well, here's another one; have known her for years and she never ceases to amaze me; one of the best sales people I know who looks out for her clients not for the money but because she truly believes in what she is doing; She has one of the biggest and truest hearts I know and I will be forever blessed to have her in my life.
- Debi - Hey - she's known me since I was a kid - with out her - I just wouldn't know what to do without her so not even going there...there are just some people who will forever leave a mark on your life and no matter how long we go with out talking or seeing each other within a minute we are back to the comfortable relationship we've had forever.
- Kelly - an incredible college friend who's been there for everything; Mother of 7 - Need I say more?? I admire everything about her!
- Cyrus Webb - Now here is a person I truly admire! As I am an avid reader and believe in literacy as a cornerstone of our lives - this man not only believes it but has dedicated his life to promoting literacy to all. You HAVE to check him out!! So many incredible programs to be involved with.
- Irene Watson - author of award winning The Sitting Swing and Managing Editor of Reader Views.
- Joey Tillman - The Child Protection Community - To protect our children, we are now making the necessary lines in the sand and moves towards the needed changes together. You are invited to join their effort.
- In the outfield, sharing space are:Beth Baughman Anderson of Chic Galleria Publications, Melissa of Lavender Power: The magazine for thriving survivors of trauma. and Joanna Campbell Slan author of the Kiki Lowenstein series - I truly admire women (or anyone) who work hard to accomplish something they believe in! Best to them in their endeavors.
Whelp, there is my team ... I know my bench would be full of so many others who I just admire on a daily basis for example, Zig Zigglar, my Childhood Pastor, etc.
I do also have a few Angels in my outfield including my grandparents, dear father in law and great friend who passed last winter of cancer and whose 52nd birthday would be tomorrow. They are all missed tremendously but know they are helping my team out daily!
Those on my team may not be paid millions for what they do but they are sure worth more than that to me and many others !
I see my team as a WINNER today and throughout the years! If you had to choose an ALL-STAR team for yourself, who would be included on your "bench" and why?
Don't forget to be thankful for all the blessings people leave in your life and remember to tell them often how very much they are cherished and valued - you may not have that opportunity tomorrow. Have a SAFE and wonderful Tuesday!