The U.S. system of providing health care coverage is employer-based. Unfortunately, this system leaves too many working families uninsured or under-insured. ...
As the debate continues today and on to the future, this is the part that I am fighting for.... how can I get and pay for insurance when it is unaffordable (quoted $2300 for my husband / month alone a I can't get insurance at all because of my autoimmune disorders). Even if I was making a REALLY good salary - I couldn't afford $2300/month for a premium!
As I try to keep up with the raging debate, I read an interesting article today - in the WSJ - showing that the insurance industry is as much to blame here as the pharmaceutical industry (both unregulated with lobbyist supporting their interests and not ours - the consumer):
A guy who spent his career working for health-insurance companies went up to Capitol Hill today and unloaded on his former industry.
Here’s how he kicked off his testimony (online here) to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation:
My name is Wendell Potter and for 20 years, I worked as a senior executive at health insurance companies, and I saw how they confuse their customers and dump the sick –- all so they can satisfy their Wall Street investors.
In his testimony, he went on to argue in favor of a public-health plan. Then he closed with this:
But what we have today, Mr. Chairman, is a Wall Street-run system that has proven itself an untrustworthy partner to its customers, to the doctors and hospitals who deliver care, and to the state and federal governments that attempt to regulate it.
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to me how much this sounds like my experiences with the Pharmaceutical Industry!! As I wrote yesterday, maybe a change in these two industries alone might help with some of our Problems???
No, reform in both areas will definitely not add up the the trillion dollars that is needed for what Mr Obama wants but.... it is a start is it not?? And for those millions (and the number is growing) without affordable, accessible health care, this beginning is more than what they had - Get Involved - Write your Senators. Let your voice be heard... Agree or not with what they are saying if you don't take a stand now - you will have to deal with the consequences of what they decide without our voices involved.
One patient organization that has made some tremendous steps in making a difference for patients with chronic illnesses is The Advocacy for Patients With Chronic Illnesses. You might want to check them out and support their cause or Families (the voice of health care consumers - Since 1982, Families USA has worked to promote high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans.)
Have a wonderful weekend - getting out early to celebrate my little sister's (one of them) 40th birthday...WOW...glad they are getting older as I refuse to move beyond 30 (my grandma stuck to 29 so she made me move to 30 :) haven't aged a day since - at least with good health care I wouldn't so quickly :)