Organizers were trying to get enough votes on a petition to add a change to Missouri's drinking age to the November Ballot. They will be falling short of their 100,000 needed by May for this November's ballot so they are setting their sites on 2010. The following is a report in USA Today on Missouri's efforts:
By Judy Keen, USA TODAY
Debate over lowering the drinking age is heating up in several states, fueled in part by legislators who contend that men and women who are old enough to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan are responsible enough to buy alcohol legally.
Legislation introduced in Kentucky, Wisconsin and South Carolina would lower the drinking age for military personnel only. A planned ballot initiative in Missouri would apply to everyone 18 and older. An initiative in the works in South Dakota would allow all 19- and 20-year-olds to buy low-alcohol beer.
Vermont’s legislature is considering a task force to study the issue. A Minnesota bill would allow anyone 18 and older to buy alcohol in bars or restaurants, but not in liquor stores until they’re 21.
Then today, I read a sad story about
a 15 year old who is now in the ER at Children's Hospital because she
had a blood alcohol level of .389 - five times the legal limit. She is
lucky to be alive.
I remember when I was 18, Illinois and Florida both had 18 as their
drinking age (just remember this because it made for a fun spring
break)...did it make any difference? Honestly have to admit i started
drinking at the age 0f 14 - never stopped or slowed us down. But,
today, I don't drink...actually drank less AFTER 21 and yes, I paid a
couple tickets for my choice.
So, would the change in drinking age have made any difference for this
15 year old now struggling for her life? Or was it just an immature
choice she chose to make? Would this put more drunk drivers on our
roads? Younger drivers are a greater risk on the roads the way it is?
Do you really think the age limit slows the number of drinkers down?
I'm not sure.
So, what do you think? Should we take a vote and consider
lowering the drinking age?
Be SAFE out there....